The Waringo Investigation into the Functioning of the Luxembourg Court 2019/2020

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I think that sooner or later it will end in abdication.
The message should have been different, they should have sent a message only after the results of the investigation came out.
This message was shot to the side.

Why would it end in abdication? The issue is the treatment of staff by M.T. right? Maybe I'm not understanding the whole investigation?

Well they certainly made clear there is no intention to abdicate "We will continue to serve you, to be there for you and for Luxembourg. Especially at this crucial moment when our children start a family life, it is essential for us as parents to allow them to enjoy these beautiful years as heir."

The statement makes no sense, it does not say anything about the allegations but simply says MT is such a wonderful person, MT helps others, MT is a woman, none of which means the allegations are not true. It seems to be very much setting up the "she is wonderful" PR ready for the report to be pretty bad IMO.

I'm saddened by all this because I have always really liked and respected MT, I've seen her as one of the more normal, dedicated royals who still retains a very firm family focus. To me the fact they can not even deny that she bullies people etc in this statement and that they even think its a good idea to release this statement makes me think so much less of her and of Henri.
Is an abdication seriously on the table?

Are there serious calls for an abdication?

Wouldn't it be more likely that the government puts the GD family under direct economic administration?
Wouldn't it also be more likely that the government puts pressure on the GD family to address issues with the poor working environment?
Can the government do this?
To me the fact that this investigation has even been launched, let alone being published, is a direct warning from the government.
And I can't see a government do that without political and public backing.
Also, the government has to do something after publishing the report.

Unfortunately it seems the graveness of the situation hasn't dawned on the Grand Duke - or this message is a desperate rearguard action aimed at the public.
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It doesn't seem serious enough for abdication, esp when Guillaume and Stephanie are about to have a baby after 7 or 8 years. It seems unfair for them to suddenly have to take over when they are probably hoping to have a time to enjoy their child..
As long as it is not known what the report says, all that is said is pure speculation.
I think this statement was just to try to lighten things up but I don't know if it was the right way.
Nothing is known about what the report says, but it may not be anything very serious.
The Grand Duchess can even rule the employees, but she doesn’t have that much power to do serious things, unless she actually fired some employees, but even that’s nothing so serious ....
I hope that everything will work out well for all sides.
Guillaume and Stephanie have a baby and heir on the way that is something the Grand Duke should focus on.
No!Totally diffrent situations,totally,not to be compared in any which way!!

Martia Teresa may not be an angel or likable but she is not like Andrew

I never said so. Please read my post more carefully: the comparison I made was about "this attempt to get ahead of things". Both this letter and Andrew's interview were ill-advised and I expect it to backfire just like in Andrew's case that ended dramatically. The fact that the press is speculating about abdication somehow suggests that it is taken very seriously in Luxembourg; and this letter is giving their only more munition instead of lessening the pressure. So, in that way I see comparisons, while of course the 'issues at hand' that caused these attempts are completely different.
I seemed to have missed the news when it first came out. This doesn't look like it'll end well for the GD and GDss indeed.
It doesn't seem serious enough for abdication, esp when Guillaume and Stephanie are about to have a baby after 7 or 8 years. It seems unfair for them to suddenly have to take over when they are probably hoping to have a time to enjoy their child..

While I understand the sentiment; it seems to be a really weak excuse for not abdicating. Well, I did something terribly wrong but my poor eldest son cannot handle it right now, so please allow me another 10 years or so of going about it, so he can enjoy his young family.

Imho, if it is serious enough to consider abdication (and the fact that the HD address is it, might suggest that they don't rule out that option either - otherwise there wouldn't be a reason to state that you intend to stay put), the case should be just on it's own merits and not on circumstantial issues (even though I am sure everyone would be happy to give Guillaume and Stephanie more time in their current roles).

In the end, it isn't something that hasn't happend before. The Swedish and Danish royals managed as well when the parents were called to the throne either before the children were born or when they were still young.
As long as it is not known what the report says, all that is said is pure speculation.
I think this statement was just to try to lighten things up but I don't know if it was the right way.
Nothing is known about what the report says, but it may not be anything very serious.
The Grand Duchess can even rule the employees, but she doesn’t have that much power to do serious things, unless she actually fired some employees, but even that’s nothing so serious ....
I hope that everything will work out well for all sides.

The government thought it serious enough to start an official investigation and the GD thought it serious enough to issue a statement in advance. So, given that they are familiar with what is going on (although some details are known, such as the extremely high turnover off staff; not 'firing some employees'), I tend to take their actions seriously. Imho it is not too hard to read between the lines that something serious is going on. How troublesome it is exactly will be revealed shortly it seems.
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What is sure , no Abdication for the moment .

Well they certainly made clear there is no intention to abdicate "We will continue to serve you, to be there for you and for Luxembourg. Especially at this crucial moment when our children start a family life, it is essential for us as parents to allow them to enjoy these beautiful years as heir."

The only relevant thing part of the statement is the last sentence in which they make clear that as far as they are concerned abdication is out of the question - conveniently suggesting that this would be a real bad time because their heirs look forward to having their first child (well, they actually said 'will start a family life' - which suggests that apparently the first 7 1/2 years of marriage Guillaume and Stephanie never started their 'family life').

I wonder about the source of the abdication rumors, given that it evidently was not the grand-ducal couple.

And the implication that women are defenseless is utterly insulting.

Actually, I think the Grand Duke's reference to "attack[ing] a woman" and "a woman who defends other women" was meant to imply that the Grand Duke perceives an undercurrent of sexism to the reports about his wife.

Why would it end in abdication? The issue is the treatment of staff by M.T. right? Maybe I'm not understanding the whole investigation?


I suppose the suggestion was made because the Grand Duke remains the official head of the grand-ducal house; as Maria Teresa not a reigning Grand Duchess and holds no authority under the constitution or the house law, any control she may have over employees must have been allowed to her by the Grand Duke, who retains his responsiblity.
This is all news to me. I wonder how long this has been going on.
Tessy Antony, who always talked about GD Henry and his late father with the utmost respect and admiration, didn't have the same opinion about MT. I always thought that something quite more important than a simple disagreement between mother and sister in law was there. And I felt that sooner or later people would know what was really happening. I'm sorry for Guillaume and Stephanie, expecting their first child after a lot of years and I hope this won't interfere in their happinness.
The Grand Duke could have send his letter from his Grand Ducal Castle and not start his letter when he was visiting his Brother in Law in Geneva.
Tessy Antony, who always talked about GD Henry and his late father with the utmost respect and admiration, didn't have the same opinion about MT. I always thought that something quite more important than a simple disagreement between mother and sister in law was there. And I felt that sooner or later people would know what was really happening. I'm sorry for Guillaume and Stephanie, expecting their first child after a lot of years and I hope this won't interfere in their happinness.

Interesting. I don’t recall her making her feelings for MT known but tessy was always very respectful of GD Jean. MT also seems to get along with Stephanie well. (Although know less of her relationship with Claire.)

If the allegations are true I’m puzzled because MT knows (according to her own words) what it’s like to feel bullied - she mentioned many times how strained her relationship with Josephine Charlotte was. If true I would expect her to know and do better.

I’m saddened for the HGD couple. Their special occasions always seem tinted by some event outside their control. Their wedding was overcast with Stephanie’s mum dying soon before, now this before the birth of their first baby after so many years in the making.
I wonder why on Earth the Grand Duke allows for this behavior at his court? Afterall, they are his employees and he is accountable for all the affairs relating to the management and finances of the court, as I understand. The government must intervene and simply put the court under their control and scrutiny.

But is he really so dominated by his wife? Is this kind of man really a good material for head of state, even ceremonial one?

It's not the Grand Duchess but the Grand Duke who should face consequences.
I wonder if we will see the Grand Duchess performing anything official over the next while?
If the allegations are true I’m puzzled because MT knows (according to her own words) what it’s like to feel bullied - she mentioned many times how strained her relationship with Josephine Charlotte was. If true I would expect her to know and do better.

Clearly it was because of MT the relationship was strained, not JC.
So, Guillaume is in the United Arab Emirates on an economic mission. The Grand Duke and his wife are in Geneva keeping vigil.

Who is minding the store in the Grand Duchy?:whistling:
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In an interview with L'Essentiel Stephane Bern is defending the statement of the Grand DUke. He calls the grand duke 'a gentleman' and he says the news is all based on rumors and praises the Grand Duchess for her work.

«Juger sur des ragots est indigne de notre pays»

He claims to have spoken to both the Grand Duchess and the Prime Minister and adds that the Waringo report will soon be discovered to be a storm in a teacup.

He also says that the only thing the Lux. court needs is modernization as apparently they do not have an HR manager.

Note that Stéphane is a French television presenter and a friend of the family.
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I think Stephane Bern is telling the truth. This story is all very strange and the report should not be so alarming, contrary to the rumors.
I see a number of different hands writing the Grand Duke's statement. And the primary one is the Grand Duchess! They both knew that the report was coming out soon. Was it necessary to use her brother's imminent demise as an introduction to the statement? It made me squirm -- poor man -- being used in this way by his sister and brother-in-law.
I think Stephane Bern is telling the truth. This story is all very strange and the report should not be so alarming, contrary to the rumors.

Oh please - that career royal sycophant? Let's wait for the report!
I would expect that, as the report has been written by a civil servant, it will be pretty neutral in tone. There is no need to "take down" MT personally and will surely stick to recommendations to make the Cour more professional with more checks and balances, if there is no HR manager at the moment there is no real system.
I would expect that, as the report has been written by a civil servant, it will be pretty neutral in tone. There is no need to "take down" MT personally and will surely stick to recommendations to make the Cour more professional with more checks and balances, if there is no HR manager at the moment there is no real system.

I am expecting the same. These kind of reports usually are written in a way to ruffle as little feathers as possible. I do not expect a great list with wrongdoings of the Grand Duchess -even if she had committed them. It is in everybody's interest to sweep this matter under the carpet as quickly and as quietly as can be.

It would be interesting to see why the 30 employees left the court. As I saw mentioned elsewhere: the household of the late Grand Duke Jean must have been dissolved, which perhaps can account for a few of them. If you add changes due to people looking for career development, people who reached their retirement age etc. the reality may be less sensational than the number makes us suspect.

As Mr. Bern is an intimus of the GDss circle -who indeed enjoys being around royalty in general and has made a career out of it- I found him mentioning the modernization of the court by hiring an HR manager the most noticeable point of his interview. It would be a convenient conclusion for all involved: the Grand Duchess will not be hiring employees any longer, which may be what is needed in this situation. At the same time outdated organizational structures can be blamed which will give the family an opportunity to save face.
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Very good post Marengo. You make a lot of good and interesting points.

I am shocked to read all this I always thought Grd Dss M.T. was lovely and firm with her family. I never suspected their might be any sort of bad behaviour from her especially when she was the victim of vindictiveness from her mother-in-law.
I wonder if we will see the Grand Duchess performing anything official over the next while?

I could see them using her brother's illness as a way to quietly keep behind the scenes for now. She is in Geneva visiting him.

Kind of hide her behind the curtains until the storm hopefully blows over kind of thing. Saying its concern for her family, glosses over the fact she is missing out on any duties or events she was meant to be involved in.

Mentioning the letter was written 'from his brother in law's bedside' drives home the fact to the public already that MT's attentions are else where.

They could be hoping that the report really isn't that bad, and that things will calm down quickly enough and MT can slowly just come back into duties.
I could see them using her brother's illness as a way to quietly keep behind the scenes for now. She is in Geneva visiting him.

Kind of hide her behind the curtains until the storm hopefully blows over kind of thing. Saying its concern for her family, glosses over the fact she is missing out on any duties or events she was meant to be involved in.

Mentioning the letter was written 'from his brother in law's bedside' drives home the fact to the public already that MT's attentions are else where.

They could be hoping that the report really isn't that bad, and that things will calm down quickly enough and MT can slowly just come back into duties.
She already missed out on the new year celebration - and the explanation given was indeed that she was at her brother's side.
She already missed out on the new year celebration - and the explanation given was indeed that she was at her brother's side.

And she has missed some personal visits since.

IMO they will continue to do so. Just 'for the time being the GD will not be making any visits while she focusses on her brother's health'. A blanket statement that will allow her to stay off stage in hopes things blow over.

Throw in a bit of public sympathy to hopefully soften the blow of the report.
IMO, the GD's statement seems to be saying:Yes we are "guilty" of what we are being accused of but here are why we think we should not be "punished" too harshly.

I am actually shocked to hear that in a constitutional Monarchy, they have so much power over their household. I think the Lux govt. needs to "lay down the law" and put a govt official in charge of the GD Household.

It seems that someone needs to step in and rein in MT. She sounds like she is completely out of control and needs reminding that she is not a head of government but the consort of a figurehead monarch.
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